Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Elle est compliquée mais facilement comprise lorsqu'on écoute ce qu'elle a à nous dire.
Elle est belle mais brutalement honnête.
Elle nous ouvre les yeux lorsqu'on est dans sa présence; mais quand on revient dans notre monde, on oublie très vite ce qu'elle venait de nous apprendre.
Elle peut être trouvée à l'intérieur de chaque âme.
Elle peut être malinterprétée et victime de l'enfoutisme.
Mais elle surmontera toutes les criticismes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Yes, you can wear joggings in a stylish and classy way. How?
If you want to be stylish, one big tip, is wearing heels (most of the time). Yes it's unconfortable, yes your feet will hurt, and yes your gonna be taller than everyone. (in my case) But it's worth it hunny. Heels (big heels not tiny winy pickice heels) are gonna make any outfit change from normal/not something that you're gonna notice on the streets, to hearing sayin "omg i love her outfit!" Of course, you gotta know how to wear them too. But don't worry, Imma teach you :)

So back to the topic : The Jogging trend.
Very seen on the runways for this fall, by Alexander Wang, Isabel Marrant, you can wear your loose fitted joggings pulled a little up, or completely down. I prefer it pulled up a bit.
You can buy them at Zara, they have a lot of them in every color, and cheap. Choose in the grey tones. Pair it with sky high heels, (ankle booties or open stilettos), a basic top and a jacket or a scarf, whose color is gonna match the shoes, to make the outfit more fun.

Speaking of Alexander Wang, he is the best new 'young designer' at the moment. He's so avantgardiste, like you say in French, and the pieces he makes are just more wonderful one to another. I would kill for his SS 2010 collection leopard wedges :

In need of a boyfriend!
Why did girls invent the whole "I need to have a crush" thing. I do have a crush actually. And I'm doing my best to get over him. But how the hell can I do that if he keeps on calling everyday to hang out? I just can't deal with this situation anymore! I'm done with guys, way too hard to get. And they say that us girls are complicated? hahah. Or maybe it's just me, I've never been that lucky in love. I'm not talking about hooking up with guys in general, I've had my fair share of random dudes. But once I like the guy, I become this weird insecure girl around him. I don't trust guys, the more I give to them, the more I let them see my inner self, the more I'm involved, the more they have the power to do whatever they want with me, and the more they're most likely to hurt me. So I protect myself, and I'm not gonna be with someone unless he shows that he really want to be with me, and proves it. I need a lot of affection. But then, if the guy wants me too bad, it's a major turn off. Complicated huh? WELCOME to my life peopleeee. I'm fucked up with guys, and I blame my dad. I love him but the way he left me and my mom after 25 years of marriage, well it definitly had some consequences. I feel like every guy around would never love me if they saw the real me, and would leave me cause they're gonna get tired of me at one point. I'm not sure you actually get what I'm saying? I'm really pessimistic here, i don't know why. My time of the month is coming too I guess :p

Love to all my readers, if there're some out there, S.
(btw GG, 90210, HIMYM came outtt! good watchin pepss)
(In love?

known him for two years, friends for one, friends with benefits for 7 months and dating for 2 weeks. Is it possible this relationship will go anywhere? So far its been surprisingly good. Je crois que je suis entrain de tomber amoureuse. On verra bien..
This weekend should be fun, Im supposed to go to Iron with the girls and some guys for a friends birthday. The bartender there has a crush on me so it'll be funny to see how L reacts when he sees him hitting on me. )

Jaime les jeux et j'aime les garçons. Jaime jouer avec les garçons.
I like playing games and I like boys. I like playing games with boys.
Je m'amuse le plus quand il est aussi bien ou même meilleur au jeu que moi.
I have the most fun when he's as good or better at the game than me.

Je suis immature. Mais jeune aussi. N'ai-je aucune considération ?

Jebiga- je vous aime..


Monday, September 27, 2010

There's a really noisy helicopter buzzing in the sky. Its night already. The sky gets darker earlier and earlier as time goes by. I just came across a bunch of my old songs on my old itunes and I started listening. Gets me thinking that I should maybe go back to music. I do miss it, and the feeling it gave me.. The natural high. It is a drug. They say that passion is a drug because its impossible to stop loving and doing. I tried to stop making music. I havent sang or played my guitar all summer.. Its been about 3 months. Maybe its because I lack inspiration or maybe its just because I'm lazy. All I know is that I miss it. And I'm ready to start up again.\ \

I feel like there's a piece of something missing in my heart/

A little depressed over here in my bedroom; maybe my time of the month is coming up..


Je vous aime les enfants T.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

T. : Top, vest, gloves & wedges (Zara) Bag (Hermes)
S. : Scarf (H&M), Bag (Zadig & Voltaire) Tshirt, pants & shoes (Zara).

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"a friend is someone you can be alone with and have nothing to do and not be able to think of anything to say and be comfortable in the silence"

-Sheryl Condie

I wanna be richer taller & sexier

Btw, Joseph Gordon-Lewitt makes me melt.

Our limit? The sky.

Some pics taken here & there.
T. - blonde
S. - brunette.

On the Ellen DeGeneres show, she answered everyone's "what the fuck?!" by saying:

"Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations but for me this evening. If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights, pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat."

I personally don't care. She's outrageous. Some will love, some will hate.
We'd adore reading your opinions on the matter.

Fuck it, Go Gaga.


"Don't trust anyone who doesn't like the ocean; Pot; dogs or Bob Dylan."

The Wackness.
A movie, everyone should see. Starring Mary-Kate Olsen as an adorable hippie (for all you M.K fans)

Summer fling

Loving the hair & headband.
List of things I should do:
(I adore making lists, do you?)

- Get a manicure
- Stop being lazy and start putting the tanning shit on after every shower
- WORK the fuck OUT
- Start modeling (if you guys are wondering, i'm 1m75 for 57 kg. Need to loose 7 more and i'll be like Kate Moss. Yes I did my research :p)
- Go wax my eyebrows
- Buy the Coco Mademoiselle perfume, I currently have Elle by YSL, but trust me Chanel perfumes are the ones that stay on the longest.
- Do something about my current single situation.
- Clean my room. Nah i'll wait till monday, a maid is made for that right?
- Go clubbing, it's been way too long!

Il est 11h48, samedi soir, & je suis chez moi. Cette annee va definitivement etre differente que l'annee derniere. Plus de beuh, plus de crazy partying, on se calme les enfants. On a tous une crise non? C'est mieux de l'avoir maintenant que plus tard, beaucoup moins de consequences. Un jour, je serais connue. Pour l'instant, je suis a la recherche du bohneur, de l'amour. J'ai grandis trop vite, je le regrette un peu. En ce moment? tout va plutot bien, mais what goes around comes around et la situation va vite changer. J'aime la mode, sortir, les sushi, le fromage, manger en general, j'aime la musique, being under the spotlight, les djs, faire la fete, bleyer avec mes meilleurs amis, bien m'habiller, les Balenciaga et les Louboutins, la verite, voyager, rencontrer des gens, fumer ma premiere clope du jour, cold coffee in the morning, etre en pijama chez moi. I always try to find the best in people. All people. And I get attached easily to guys who don't give a fuck. But all girls do right?

Anyways, this blog is gonna be about our fascinating lives, fashion, music, new drama happening, anything that's interesting to us, and that we hope is going to interest you. Gd readin' and scrollin' folks!

xx, S.

I'm 17, and I want to go to the movies with my boyfriend L. It starts @10:30 and ends @12:30.
And of course, they have to say no. Do we even have a right to defend ourselves?
Speaking of freedom of speech, isn't this supposed to be a democracy?
Anyhoo.. I'm just pissed because this happens ever so often. I just wanted to spend some time with my best friend S and L. But I guess I'll have to spend the rest of the night reading fashion blogs and watching reruns..
Speaking of TV, Glee is such a good show!
That'll put me in a good mood.
I'm missing them already. My little gang of friends. I think its way better to have a few amazing people to hang out with that you love with all your heart and would do absolutely anything for (rather than loads of people you don't give a shit about).

I can't wait to move to Paris and have my own tiny apartment, with my own tiny problems, without my parents watching my every move and creating a shitload of 'em.

Feel free to comment and tell us about your fams.

Je vous aime.

Dear children of the sun,

We are so incredibly excited to have found a little piece of hope in our lives.. Hopefully we will give all of our readers a little piece of hope as well..

Love to all.