Saturday, September 25, 2010

List of things I should do:
(I adore making lists, do you?)

- Get a manicure
- Stop being lazy and start putting the tanning shit on after every shower
- WORK the fuck OUT
- Start modeling (if you guys are wondering, i'm 1m75 for 57 kg. Need to loose 7 more and i'll be like Kate Moss. Yes I did my research :p)
- Go wax my eyebrows
- Buy the Coco Mademoiselle perfume, I currently have Elle by YSL, but trust me Chanel perfumes are the ones that stay on the longest.
- Do something about my current single situation.
- Clean my room. Nah i'll wait till monday, a maid is made for that right?
- Go clubbing, it's been way too long!

Il est 11h48, samedi soir, & je suis chez moi. Cette annee va definitivement etre differente que l'annee derniere. Plus de beuh, plus de crazy partying, on se calme les enfants. On a tous une crise non? C'est mieux de l'avoir maintenant que plus tard, beaucoup moins de consequences. Un jour, je serais connue. Pour l'instant, je suis a la recherche du bohneur, de l'amour. J'ai grandis trop vite, je le regrette un peu. En ce moment? tout va plutot bien, mais what goes around comes around et la situation va vite changer. J'aime la mode, sortir, les sushi, le fromage, manger en general, j'aime la musique, being under the spotlight, les djs, faire la fete, bleyer avec mes meilleurs amis, bien m'habiller, les Balenciaga et les Louboutins, la verite, voyager, rencontrer des gens, fumer ma premiere clope du jour, cold coffee in the morning, etre en pijama chez moi. I always try to find the best in people. All people. And I get attached easily to guys who don't give a fuck. But all girls do right?

Anyways, this blog is gonna be about our fascinating lives, fashion, music, new drama happening, anything that's interesting to us, and that we hope is going to interest you. Gd readin' and scrollin' folks!

xx, S.

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